
Twist of Fate Chapter 9

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Thanks you guys! I'm glad that you liked the last chapter! It really means a lot to me that you guys enjoy it! Thanks to all my viewers here on Fanfiction and on Wattpad! You guys are the best! Can't wait for you guys to read this chapter!

Sorry that this chapter took so long to be posted. Just finished finals week and then hit the ground running as I had my first day for my summer job the day after school ends. But I still hope that you guys can't wait to read it! Glad you guys are liking it!

Kanan's POV

I felt utterly helpless as I laid on my side, on the floor unable to move to help, let alone protect my padawan. I had been moved over to behind the table that almost blocked my view of Ezra.

I watch the young blue haired, blue eyed young boy as he sat huddled in the corner looking terrified. He had his knees brought up to his chest and was cradling that had been broken. I then noticed as small smidgen of while peak out from underneath the glove. My guess was that he had gotten it bandaged.

I then turned my attention to Veldar who was watching the both of us as if he was expecting one of us to talk. He was just leaning against the table that I had been previously laying on with his arms crossed against his chest.

But I was soon startled when in walked my worst nightmare all over again.

In walked the Inquisitor, but this time he wasn't alone. This time Tarkin and Kallus followed suit.

"Have you done what I asked?" The Inquisitor questioned the resident doctor, all the while keeping his yellow eyed gaze upon me.

"I've administered the Force suppressant and the paralysis drug as instructed," Veldar explained to the Paa'uan.

"Good," The Inquisitor praised Veldar, "Make the boy hallucinate again."

I didn't want that to happen, but because I was paralyzed I couldn't voice my opinion. I could only watch in horror as Veldar had retreated to his briefcase and procured the same powder as from earlier.

Ezra noticed what was going to happen and began trying to get away. He at first tried huddling in the corner ever more, trying his best to cover his mouth and nose, but then gave up and ran to where he huddled behind me with his face buried in my back.

The Inquisitor came over, grabbed me by my arm and pulled me away from Ezra. Veldar quickly stepped in from behind him and blew the dust in Ezra's face again. Ezra scrunched his nose in disgust.

After a few minutes, I noticed that the hallucinations must have started for Ezra huddled against the nearest wall hands clenching his hair and his head resting on top of his knees.

"Are you ready to give in Jarrus?" The Inquisitor asked me once again. This time though, it met with a brush in my consciousness, one that was now wide open. I closed my eyes in pain once again as the Inquisitor was being relentless to my mind as he wasn't being very gentle.

Ezra then cried out to have the Inquisitor stop torturing me. I opened my eyes and looked to find Ezra huddled on his side crying into his knees.

I tried sending a comforting thought towards my padawan, but I remembered that I didn't currently have a connection to the force due to the force suppressant. All I could do was watch in horror as Ezra had to live through another battle without me.

I was quickly brought back into reality when Veldar came over to me with what looked like a hammer of some sort. The Inquisitor then knelt down directly onto my right arm, pinning it to the ground in as it was outstretched. I couldn't feel anything though due to the paralysis drug. The two quickly rolled me onto my side.

Off the corner of my eye, I watched Tarkin take much pleasure in the torture that was taking place in front of his very eyes.

I heard a sickening crunch as the hammer Veldar was holding came into contact with my ribs. He only did this once and then turned it over to the Inquisitor. I was surprised when the pain that would normally ensue after the blow didn't come. But it did make it harder to breathe than it already was.

"Tell me where the other rebels are located now Jarrus," The Inquisitor exclaimed as he forced me to sit up and watch my padawan writhe in sheer horror, "Or else, I will cause your padawan to suffer more."

"I told you what I know, which is nothing!" I weakly pleaded to the Paa'uan in front of me, "My crew and I act out on our own."

This didn't impress the Inquisitor at all.

Inquisitor's POV

I grew tired of the lack of intel coming from the Jedi. Either he was really telling the truth or he knew how to bluff extremely well. Nothing I did seemed to affect him in any way.

The only thing that came close to touching him was hurting his padawan.

I glanced down and noticed that he never took his eyes off of this boy, this Ezra who seemed so important to him. I watched the expression of Jarrus as he watched helplessly as his padawan battled the hallucinations. He couldn't comfort the boy as he did the last time, but could only watch.

I then continued what I did with the Jedi earlier. I ignited my lightsaber and began burning the flesh off of his shoulder and then inched my way down to his stomach. He still didn't say a word as I seared his side with the blade.

"No.....Kanan," I heard the boy softly exclaim behind me as he was now coming out of the hallucination, "S...stop!"

"I won't stop until one of you reveals to me where the rest of the rebel cells are located," I told the boy who now seemed utterly afraid. I didn't know what he was afraid of other than it probably had something to do with his master. '

I continued to burn Jarrus as he laid on the floor helpless to do anything against me. He had shut his eyes for some reason that I didn't know why but as I continued to watch him, he turned his aquamarine eyes towards me.

I then tried something I would never have done if I wasn't as desperate as I was. I delved deep into the elder Jedi's mind sending painful wave after painful wave throughout his mind.

I felt him weakly try and push me out of his mind, but because he had no connection to the force, he failed to do just that. I then gave one more mighty push to the core of his mind which shattered not only his resolve but his mind all in one clean swoop.

Both master and padawan cried out in pain at the same time. I could only assume that the pain that the boy's master was feeling could also be felt by him through the bond that they shared.

Now the information inside of his mind was flowing freely as it didn't before.

But I was torn from my session with the Jedi as I felt an extremely unwelcomed presence float through the force. I stood straight up searching for the presence as if it was coming to get me.

It was the presence of the light side, meaning that there were either force sensitives or Jedi nearby.

"Inquisitor, why aren't you continuing the interrogation?" Tarkin questioned me.

It was then that an explosion rocked the cruiser and the power flashed briefly.

"The rescue party is here," I replied turning to the Grand Moff.

"Then we will take appropriate measures to stop them," Kallus informed us, "What are your orders Governor?"

"You and I, Agent Kallus will go and repel the enemy," Tarkin began, "Inquisitor; you stay and interrogate him further."

"Sir, I sense the presence of Jedi in this attack group," I stated the facts, "Isn't it imperative that I also go to repel them too?"

I watched as Tarkin just stood there with a blank expression on his face.

"Yes. If there are truly more Jedi coming, then we need to be prepared," Tarkin exclaimed as he motioned for me to follow.

I let the Jedi go and watched as he collapsed to the ground, hitting his head really hard.

"Veldar, you have free reign on either of them," I informed the doctor, "but try not to kill them if at all possible."

Veldar nodded as he moved to face his briefcase once more.

I then turned to leave, mentally preparing myself to repel the Jedi and anyone else who would stand in my way.

Hera's POV

We managed to get a shot off at the star destroyer before the scanners on that massive ship spotted us. With Zeb, Sabine and Chopper on the nose guns, I was able to avoid incoming laser fire from the cruiser.

"Fulcrum your clear to join the battle," I exclaimed through the comlink as I powered through more laser fire.

"Roger that Hera, coming in now," Fulcrum replied, "Make sure you keep an open communication's link between us. I may have last minute plans."

It was then that four Corellian Corvettes, each with their own markings shot out of hyperspace towards the destroyer as well. There were also a myriad of small Starfighters that encompassed the Corvettes shooting down incoming TIE fighters in the process.

I was surprised at how quickly they arrived but was greatly appreciative of the swiftness.

"Echo to Fulcrum, when am I headed inside the ship?"

"As soon as we can get the Destroyer and the TIE fighters distracted enough to get the Ghost crew on, you can begin your approach," Fulcrum replied to the eager new recruit.

This Echo person was another mystery among a gigantic list of mysteries. Fulcrum said that this person was the best at infiltrating places without others knowing. I didn't fully trust the person, but I knew that Fulcrum did so I had to for the time being.

"Alright Hera, the distraction's on me. Make your move now," Fulcrum advised me. I then quickly re-cloaked the Ghost and prepared to board the ship.

"Zeb, Sabine, prepare for boarding," I told them.

They both responded letting me know that they were ready and then we covertly made our way towards the Destroyer.

Echo's POV

"Echo, they've started the distraction, it's your turn now," Fulcrum explained to me.

"Roger that," I replied as I started the landing sequence of the small Corellian gunship, "Boys prepare to board the destroyer."

I docked next to one of the many airlocks that the massive cruiser. I waited for the hiss of the lock before I left the cockpit to join the boys.

Once we were inside, my next task was to locate the prisoners we were after. It surprised me that there was little resistance, so Hera's distraction must have been working.

"Keep a sharp lookout boys," I told the soldiers that were following me, "troopers could be anywhere."

I gestured to one of the men that followed me who specialized in hacking into mainframes. His name was Benji. His short brown hair was almost hidden amidst the camo hat that the special op team chose to wear as their uniform. I watched as his bright blue eyes search mine as he waited for orders.

"When we find a computer panel, I want you to hack into it and locate where the prisoners are," I whispered to him, "I'll give you their names when we find the panel. Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am," He replied. These men were good at what they did and accompanied me in almost all of my covert ops.

We managed to get to a nearby communications panel that was located near the aft side of the ship pretty much undetected by anyone, much to my surprise.

"Your turn," I gestured to the resident hacker.

He hurried over and got to work and made quick work of hacking into the mainframe of the ship.

"Okay, I'm in," He replied, looking up to me for the next bit of intel he needed to complete his mission.

"Their names are Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger," I told the youngster. Although Benji was good at his craft, he was still the newbie compared to the rest of the group.

I continued to glance around the hallway we were stationed in ready and waiting for whatever came our way.

"I've found them!" Benji exclaimed softly, "They're in detention cell 233-3B. I've also downloaded a map to find our way through this ship."

"Thanks Benji you're a genius," I praised the youngster and then I turned to address them all, "Alright boys keep your head on a swivel. We're going in."

Tarkin's POV

I watched from the bridge as the insurgents' ships flew around firing at the incoming TIE fighters. They seemed organized in an unusual way, a way I hadn't seen since the Clone Wars.

"Sir, there has been a breach in our systems," one of the officers in charge of communications explained to me.

"Where was the breach located at?" I questioned the young officer.

"The aft communications panel," he replied.

I knew it. The three rebels that infiltrated the ship just minutes before must have been a diversion from their real tactic.

"Divert all troops to the aft section," I ordered, "And make sure that you alert the Inquisitor of what's going on and tell him to investigate."

"Yes sir," The officer replied and then returned to his post.

These rebels had proven to be naïve when it came to our cunning and I was going to prove it.

Inquisitor's POV

I had been running for what seemed like forever trying to get to the source of the feeling of the light side of the force. I had made it to the central communications room that I had been in just hours earlier.

What was odd to me was that the closer I got to the rebels that were aboard the destroyer, the presence of the light side of the force weakened. It perplexed me to the point that I stopped running towards the source of the chaos and tried to pinpoint where the presence was coming from.

I had to stop searching though when my comlink started beeping.

"Inquisitor here," I replied to the person on the other side.

"I was told by Governor Tarkin to inform you that there was a breach in the mainframe coming from the aft section on the floor above the detention wing. Tarkin wants you to go investigate," The main communications and information officer described to me.

"Tell him I'm on my way," I replied effectively shutting off the communications device. If this was really what I thought it was, than there was a second group that was probably trying to free their comrades.

And that was something that I could not allow.

Echo's POV

I continued to swivel my head back and forth watching for any signs of an incoming enemies as we made our way to the detention level. We made sure that we stayed at a slow enough pace that we wouldn't miss a thing but also went fast enough to make sure we got there in a timely manner.

We were almost there and on the level above, but ran into some unwelcomed guests.

"Stormtroopers? Why does it always have to be stormtroopers?" I heard one of the veteran members of my team exclaim.

We all pulled out or blasters setting aim at the nearest trooper.

"Remember shoot to stun not to kill," I ordered my soldiers. I heard the clicking of the guns changing from firing a deadly blaster bolt to a stun shot that would render the trooper unconscious.

Both sides then opened fire. The only way we could distinguish whose shots were whose was that the troopers will still shooting to kill and we weren't.

It took longer than I would have liked to neutralize the trooper threat, but we managed to stun every last one of them that came around.

"Is everyone alright?" I asked my contingent of soldiers.

They all replied simultaneously letting me know that they were fine, no casualties on my side.

"Take a small break," I ordered my men, "But make sure that you stay on guard, we leave in two."

We were so close to victory now, nothing was going to stand in our way.

Inquisitor's POV

As I neared the aft section that was described to me, I felt the force signature grow ever stronger as I neared the second group of rebels.

I didn't know what to think about that. I hadn't felt a force presence in a while that wasn't the signatures of the two prisoners.

I slowed down as I neared the location of the rebels. It briefly crossed my mind that I should try and smother my force signature in case this person could detect me, but I decided against it as I then ran around the corner to find the whole contingent of these rebels right in front of me, staring at me as if they had seen a ghost.

I saw five men and a young boy in this group. They all had their weapons trained on me. I didn't know why they were stopped in the hallway.

But what really had me intrigued was the female standing in front of the whole group. The force signature I had felt the whole time was now emanating off of her. She had her hands rested on her hips in a very defiant way. Her short red-brown hair accentuated her blue-grey eyes. The camo of her uniform also did wonders to bring out her lovely facial features.

If it wasn't for the fact that the light side of the force swelled around her, I would have thought her a beautiful young lady.

"And who do we have here?" I finally found my voice directing my taunt towards the female, "Are you lost?"

"Why do you need to know that?" she questioned obviously not impressed.

"Don't you be snarky with me young lady," I ordered her although I clearly didn't scare her.

"You don't scare me baldy," She replied squaring her shoulders.

I growled and then grabbed my lightsaber, igniting it in front of the whole group. I took great pleasure in the fact that everyone staring at me, including the female, stood there in shock at the sight of the lightsaber.

"Go, go, go!" the female shouted briefly turning her back to me to gesture to her crew, "Make sure that you wait for me before we move them.

She then turned back to me taking off the top layer of her uniform off of her shoulders revealing a very Jedi like tunic underneath. It was then my turn for a surprise. She took out from her cloak a cylinder shaped object from underneath her cloak. I didn't realize what the thing was until an aquamarine blade extended out of it.

This girl was a Jedi.

I engaged her in battle but noticed that she barely would engage me offensively. She stayed on the defensive side. I noticed this to be the famed Form III that many of the great Jedi masters utilized. But I couldn't pinpoint exactly which master would have taught her that.

The fight lasted for at least ten minutes and it wasn't until more troopers came in and began firing at her, that I finally recognized the style of her master through her. There was only one Jedi master close to the end of the Clone Wars who could deflect blaster fire as well as continue a lightsaber combat at the same time. I knew that this master had a padawan close to the end of the great war that plagued the land many years ago and I think I just found her.

"Well, well, it seems like I've stumbled upon the last padawan of Master Obi-wan Kenobi," I said trying to not sound so surprised at my findings. I ordered the troopers to quit firing as I wanted to see her reaction. I also stopped fighting to watch as well.

I felt a slight tremble in her force aura before she turned around to finally face me. She still had her lightsaber but I knew I had hit the mark when I said that as I could now see her visibly trying not to break down or show emotion.

"What does that have to do with anything?" She replied still trying to remain composed.

"Everything my dear," I began, "I now know your fighting style and your weakness as most padawans inherit their weaknesses from their master, and other things."

"My master had no weakness," She replied defiantly.

He must have taught her well despite the times for she remained composed even after reminding her of her Master.

"Are you sure of that?" I inquired of her.

Echo's POV

I wasn't sure of anything since the end of the Clone Wars. I was thrust into a world that I didn't know how to survive in.

I didn't even know if my master had survived the purge or not.

These taunts directed at me, I noticed, we attempts at derailing me so that he would have the upper hand. It worked to some degree as it must have been painfully obvious that I was trying to compose myself before I continued the fight. But one questioned remained permanently burned into my mind.

How did he know all of that information?

I was startled to hear the sound of beeping coming from my comlink. I recognized the beeping pattern as Fulcrum. I wouldn't have answered it in the circumstances I was in but I knew that Fulcrum would only contact me if something was really important.

And this must have been really important.

"I'm a little busy at the moment Fulcrum," I replied as I quickly dodge an attack from the Inquisitor.

"I was told to inform you that the ship is set to destruct. You have to get the boys and get out of there!" Fulcrum relayed the info to me. I stayed on the defensive as I tried to focus on deflecting the other blade.

"Roger that Fulcrum," I replied. Once I ended the communication, I turned to the boys as I was in a lightsaber lock, "Did you hear that? The ship is set to self-destruct, go save yourselves."

The troopers looked at me and then themselves before all taking off in various directions.

"What are you doing you cowards? Come back here and fight!" The Inquisitor exclaimed as he disengaged the lock.

"You don't want to be stuck here when it explodes," I said as I took off in the direction of the cell that Ezra and Kanan were in.

Kanan's POV

Ezra had just calmed down after another round of the hallucination powder. He laid cradled in my arms even though I couldn't feel or move them to comfort him further.

Veldar had done a number on both of us. Before he had induced the hallucination on Ezra again, he had beaten him to the point where I didn't know one single spot that hadn't been hit. He also poked and prodded him much like an interrogation droid would.

For me though it was worse. He managed to break every rib making it extremely difficult for me to breath. Even though I couldn't feel any pain, I still cringed at every crunch of my bones. He also managed to give me a splitting headache by kicking me in the head repeatedly. He also beat me in the same way that Ezra was and especially hit me where the Inquisitor had burned me prior to all of this.

But what really got me was the fact that Veldar procured a small flame torch and proceeded to continue what the Inquisitor got started.

He was trying to get me to talk about where the Rebels were and I kept on replying with the same answer.

I truly didn't know.

But that didn't fly for the torturer.

He continued to burn the flesh off

"You will tell me what I want to know," Veldar exclaimed to me as he put down the torch and grabbed a blaster instead. He pointed the barrel of the gun into one of the burns on my right side that was located underneath my arm, on the ribs just underneath my heart.

I could feel the blood drain from my face. This wasn't going to end well for me now.

"You'd better tell me now," I heard the gun cock.

But in amidst the fear, I began hearing blaster fire coming from outside of the cell. It could mean only one thing.

"Rescue party is here!" Ezra cried out in delight as he must have heard the same thing I did.

I heard Veldar growl in frustration and heard the instant shot of the blaster that he held in his hand.

"Kanan!" I heard Ezra cry out. I looked down and the gaping wound on my side.

Just then the door opened to reveal several men in camo uniforms with blasters drawn. There were at least five that I could make out but then I saw two more just outside the door.

They shot Veldar with a stun blast that basically made him go unconscious.

I watched as one of the men picked up a comlink and told the person on the other end that they had found their target and then ran over to Ezra and me.

They found us at last and now we would be headed home.

Echo's POV

I had been running for what seemed like minutes making sure that the Inquisitor fellow wasn't going to follow me. I managed to lose him but still kept my lightsaber ignited just in case.

"Benji to Echo, come in Echo," someone buzzed through my comlink.

"This is Echo go ahead," I replied.

"We found them, I repeat we found them!" Benji repeated.

I internally leapt for joy. We had found the boys and were going to bring them home.

But my celebration was short lived when the ship lurched to one side and then steadily corrected itself. I quickly composed my joy and then continued to run as fast as I could to the cell.

Once I got there, I wasn't expecting what I saw.

The majority of my men were helping Kanan who looked like he had just been run over by a gundark and Benji was over next to Ezra trying to calm him down.

Ezra wasn't happy about something and it wasn't until I got to his level that I realized that he was upset because Kanan was badly injured. When I entered and walked over to the two youngest people in the room, Ezra didn't quite know what to do with me. He began to slowly back away but then with encouragement from Benji, he stopped.

"You've got to go help him!" Ezra cried when he noticed me. I could sense his distress through the force.

"Ezra, we are going to help him, but we can't do it here," I told him, "The ship has been set to self-destruct and we need to get off of here now."

"But he can't wait till later," Ezra cried out again with tears now falling down the side of his face.

"Ezra, he is strong," I replied, "He will make it through, but if we stay here, then none of us are getting off of this boat alive. You need to focus and help us."

Ezra couldn't take his eyes off of his friend as tears began flowing more freely.

"Ezra we have to get off now, but we can't do it without your help," I said now getting the attention of the young boy who now made eye contact with me. For the first time since I got there, I got to stare into the most beautiful blue eyes I think I'd ever seen, "Will you help us?"

He seemed uncertain.

"It's the only way we'll be able to help Kanan," I restated what I had said earlier.

"Your right," He replied as he hefted himself off of the ground. He seemed a little bit unsteady at first, but then found his balance and then proceeded to help in whatever way he could.

I smiled before getting myself off of the ground as well.

"Guys, we're going to take this creep into custody too," I replied pointing to the unconscious man with the unusual garb on.

My men replied with yes sirs and other replies.

We were almost through. Ezra and Kanan were almost free.
Chapter 9!!
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